Contacted and booked patients

Depending on your system there may be additional tabs for patients labelled “Accepted” or “Contacted”. You can move patient’s between these tabs by selecting a referral and using the options at the top of the screen:

At any point in the process you can reject a patient who has failed to contact you using the DNA – NO CONTACT option. This will reject the referral back to the GDP with a standard letter and update the tracking accordingly.

The correct method for DNA. 

If the patient does not contact you please use the DNA – NO CONTACT button that is not in the discharge section. The referrer is informed about the DNA and there is no fee assessed. If you have an appointment scheduled for a patient who then fails to attend, use the discharge option and unselect the assessment – there will be no fee but the DNA is different – i.e. they have wasted an appointment rather than simply not getting in touch.

By clicking on a referral in any work list you will be able to access all the referral documents, any rejection letters, radiographs, etc. You will also see who triaged the referral and any previous activity related to that patient.