Treatment Request or Update from Orthodontic Provider

Once a referral has been sent to a primary care ortho provider and they have assessed the patient, they may send communication back to you from the system regarding extractions or proposed treatment. When they do this you will receive an email notification to the username email address, and to your nhs mail IF you have set that up in the notifications section of your referral dashboard:

Once you have logged in, on the dashboard you will see a tab on the far right, select this:

New treatment updates will be highlighted within this tab:

Once the URN is clicked on the "new" indicator will disappear, however the update will remain in this tab. Please note this functionality was introduced 14th September 2023. Updates sent before this will NOT appear in this tab.

Click the URN and look in the section pictured below for the “Treatment Update Letters”, the latest one is flagged with the red banner:

You will find the details within the letter in the section that is displayed here as:  < Comments from Ortho Providers>: